Tick Paralysis

Tick borne disease: Tick paralysis
Also known as: No other names for this condition
Disease Agent: Tick paralysis is different than other tick-borne disease, no infectious organism is involved, it is a neurotoxin in the saliva of a biting tick that triggers the condition
Infectious Bite Time: Required bite time is unknown, more research is needed to determine how long a tick must remain attached to you before the onset of paralysis. It is generally understood that tick paralysis is not instant, an attacking tick must feed on you for some time before the condition occurs
Incubation Period: the onset of impacts from tick paralysis will usually begin 2 to 7 days after the paralysis neurotoxin is transmitted into your bloodstream, but may occur faster than that in some instances
Common Signs and Symptoms: slurred speech, stumbling, falling, numbness, tingling, paralysis starting in the legs and moving upwards
Serious Complications: convulsions, respiratory failure, death
Treatment: Removal of all ticks is essential to survival. With tick paralysis it is critically important all attached ticks are taken off the body correctly, mouthparts intact. In most cases of tick paralysis symptoms will being to lessen and recovery will begin as soon as all attached ticks are removed. Once tick paralysis beings if the ticks remain attached death can occur within 1 to 5 days, or sooner. If you believe you are experiencing the onset of tick paralysis consult a medical professional immediately, the speed with which you seek out health care professionals is very important with this condition, delaying treatment can and in most cases will result in escalated symptom severity or death.
Notes: Tick paralysis is a rare but extremely serious condition. More than 40 species of tick can trigger paralysis, worldwide. Stateside instances of Colorado tick paralysis are most common in the Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountain states, and Southeast. Tick Paralysis is not just a threat to humankind, the condition has killed thousands of domestic animals and livestock. You cannot simply look at a tick and determine if it is capable of triggering tick paralysis, if a tick is attached to you learn how to remove a tick and keep the tick, it can be tested by professionals. Use Tick Proof to prevent future attacks.
What ticks can cause tick paralysis? Poultry tick, paralysis tick (Australia), American dog tick, Rocky Mountain Wood Tick, Eastern blacklegged tick, Western blacklegged tick, “deer tick”
Primary Vector: American dog tick is believed to be the primary vector; however, the condition is so rare in the United States it could be argued that a primary vector has not been established.
Number of infections reported per year, United States: 100+ (extremely rare).
The poultry tick (below) transmits tick paralysis.